Some Mind Blowing Facts about Bhishma in Mahabharata

 Some Mind-Blowing Facts About Bhishma in Mahabharata

  1. Bhishma possessed the ability to check the flow of river Ganga with his divine arrows.
  2. Bhishma learnt the art of warfare from multiple preceptors like Brihaspati, Shukracharya, Vasishtha and Parashurama.
  3. Bhishma learnt all the five forms of warfare from Parashurama. They are namely Mukta, Amukta, Muktamukta, Jantramukta and Mantramukta.
  4. Bhishma was thirty-six years old when he took the vow of celibacy known as Brahmacharya.
  5. He defeated the invincible king Shalva in archery.
  6. He killed a demon named Ugrayudha who plundered the kingdom of Panchala.
  7. He defeated all the kings of the earth who were assembled together in the swayambara of Kashi princesses.
  8. He countered all the ten thousand arrows with one single arrow which were shot towards him by the kings in the swayambara.
  9. Bhishma fought with his preceptor Parashurama for twenty-three days in the battlefield of Kurukshetra.
  10. Bhishma possessed the divine weapon of Vasus known as Praswapa which was unknown to Parashurama.
  11. Bhishma was stopped by sage Narada and other celestial sages when he was about to invoke the weapon Praswapa for defeating Parashurama in the battle.
  12. Bhishma was the only warrior in Virat war who succeeded in countering Arjuna's irresistible sleep-inducing weapon known as Sammohanastra.
  13. He single-handedly resisted the combined attack of all five Pandava brothers on the 7th day of Kurukshetra war.
  14. He defeated powerful warriors of Pandava army like Bhima, Abhimanyu, Dhristadyumna and Satyaki.
  15. He killed ten thousand Pandava warriors per day during his term as the Kourava commander for ten days.
  16. He fought to such an extent which made even Lord Krishna break the vow of being weaponless in Kurukshetra war.
  17. Bhishma gave up his life on the first day of Uttarayana forty days after the conclusion of Kurukshetra war.
  18. Bhishma is considered to be one of the twelve Mahajanas the delegated agents of Lord Vishnu who are knowledgeable about the highest spiritual knowledge known as Bhagavata Dharma.

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